Sunday, July 8, 2007

Have you ever cheated in your exam? How do you do it ? Ever get caught ?

Well, the conventional way of cheating is over! Let's look at the latest way !

1. Type out your notes in the computer:

2. Make sure to resize the font size 6:

3. Print out the notes with your own printer:

4. Make copy of the note using "toner based" photo copier:

5. Stick a layer of transparent adhesive tapes (eg:Scotch Tape) on the copied notes:

6. Cut them into strips according to the size of the adhessive tape:

7. Soak the strips in cold water:

8. After a few minutes, peel off the adhesive tape from the paper carefully:

9. You will be able to see that your notes have been transfered to the tapes:

10. Dry the adhesive tape so that it will become sticky again.

11. If you are so lucky to have a clueless teacher, you may just bring the adhessive notes into the exam hall and stick it directly at the answer sheet FunAndFunOnly (

12. Altervatively, you may have to stick it on your pen before you go into the exam hall:

13. Or you may also stick it on your drink:

Good luck on your exam !

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